
beats by dre solo read The manganese

Chapter 407 presumptive guest usurps the role hosts
While yelling to shout loudly, old woman two departure sky believe in of nine temple private in the sky, drive Ji vast sky the dozen flew to go out, they spray the time of blood, fierce the round hating a sky to still take advantage of an opportunity and use a hot sun method rounded 1 turn in the 2 people chest and led their Huns all to burn, the hair is burnt.
In the public and unseen air, there are also two wisps of strange smokes, drilled to go into those 2 people's nostrils respectively.
Settle on station of the shoulder of vast sky that the poisonous Hey Hey of origin was crafty to smile 1, smile happily ground afresh at the Ji, clap hands a way:"Fix!"
Ji vast sky and fierce hate a sky of 2 people, turn round and take aim to that departure sky believe in of give Hui, also have and thou exchange blows of long eyebrows, seeing the appearance is to prepare to join a war turn, continues to give Hui and long eyebrows to move cutthroat.
"Stop!"The old woman finally endures to can not bear and suddenly and violently drinks 1.
Is three nine temple private in the sky, suddenly after death appear from the old woman, 3 people block in the Ji vast sky and fierce hate the front in sky, in succession the eyebrows is tightly wrinkly, speak arrestment:"Is two, don't why the need for and not want to spare no one?"
"Have?"The Ji vast sky shrugs shoulders, naturally way:"Just finish a personal grudge."
Distance, and then have the superior of two sea Lan mainland to fly, also at nine of the territory , after these 2 people arrive, inquire that old woman:"Company's elder sister, He Shi?"
The full face of old woman knit the brows to tremble for a while, strong press the wrath in the heart, hum a way:"Someone doesn't do us the honor and greatly take up arms at the our sea Lan mainland
"?.Those 2 people come out a sub- wrath from the nostril, also joined those three nine temple private in the sky's row or columns in store and stood on the Ji vast sky and fierce hate the front in sky.
The matter has already gone to this, obviously is to can not continue to keep on beating, otherwise, will give offense to private's boundary in the sky of the whole sea Lan mainland.
Thou Bang and Di gram are 2 people, also have that to give Hui and long eyebrows, stop together at this time, always very calm down of give Hun, full is the murderous look of hard dissimulation on the face, cool detachment at thou Ya and the body of Ji vast sky up take aim around.
Those are two drive Ji vast sky, fierce hate the departure that the sky kills of the superior who believes in in the sky, the breadth of mind is full to is a blood, walks to give side in the body of the Hui, way:"Senior, "
Give Hun to stretch hand, do a .The signal that doesn't want to talk, those 2 people silently nod, are giving Hun and long eyebrows to after death stand to settle, the old grudge ground looking at Ji vast sky a group of people.
Di gram and thou Ya are 2 people, also in this time and Ji vast sky stand to arrive together.
The superior of more sea Lan mainland comes over from the all directions gathering, momentary, at aery island on of sky, full is a way figure that suspends in the sky, roughly count, it is as many as 3,000 people to fear.
These people, all have seven at least star the sky above fix to do obeisance
"I am the main mother of store, what person are you ,beats by dre solo?Why at I does the aery island outside and greatly take up arms?.That one face of old woman is rage, walk up a thou according to and Ji vast sky, harsh voice way.
Obviously, this old woman recognizes departure sky believe in of giving and playing a group of people, know give persons like Hui,etc of identity, she has never inquired to give Hui they, just stare at Ji vast sky a group of people ask question, obviously is the responsibility that prepares to pursue Ji vast sky a group of people.
"They come from five lines of mainlands, is" was my friend to suddenly, from inside in the aery island come out manganese steel, the manganese steel is slightly embarrassed, smiled to smile to the sorry Ji vast sky, arrived at that old woman body side after, low voice way:"They know each other with Ms. company and say to is to occupy to seek stores to negotiate, I just is reported report Ms. company, can Ms. company be still closing the border don't manganese steel after death, that is small to pretty not know when come out a head, saw one eye toward the Ji vast sky, as if the rabbit frightenning is similar, quickly shrunk to return to again, obviously is some frightened.
"The friend of ice Jie?.The old woman is cold to hum a , not kind way:"I how have never listenned to she once say, manganese steel, you know, your friend.Did in my place what affair?.
Manganese steel facial expression hair white, shoulder tiny Zhan, hurried way:"I, "
Once that old woman wave hand, again cold hum a , way:"Need not say more!Manganese steel, this affair you can not bear responsibility!"
The manganese steel facial expression is difficult to see of pole, but don't dare to say one more again, suppress where on moving not to dare to move, seem to be in the waiting to wear store of verdict.
Store at sea Lan mainland as if emperor's clan of private's boundary in the sky, have absolute authority!Here, any private's religious sect and household, all want to listen to the designation of store, there is no whichever religious sect whichever influence, dare the idea of disobeying the store to read.
The manganese steel is a sea Lan a member of the mainland, at his heart deep place, have being afraid of instinct to the store, a see the main mother of store hair words, the manganese steel doesn't dare to talk one more, can be looking at Ji vast sky with a kind of very sorry and ashamed look in the eyes, seem to feel that oneself can not do for the Ji vast sky what but ill at ease.
Thou the Bang is wrinkly to knit the brows, doesn't say more what, fierce hate cold for a sky hum a , whole body full of bellicosity.
The Di gram full face disgusts, suddenly, seeming the store of feeling this mainland has already been not worth deeply handing over and says to the Ji at the side of body vast sky:"Ji vast sky sees.We came to wrong place, isn't worth accepting here our donation, not, let's change a place?"
Is cold the face ordered to nod, Ji vast sky way:"H'm, I visit this stores also be not worth our throwing in, I think the another influence of the sun star area, should more interested in our cooperations, whichever influence, at need not is the Jing benefits in front of vexed sorrow of stars, think to can't refuse us."
"Not worth, we leave."Is fierce to hate a sky the way is also.
Need not be vexed for the Jing of stars to worry, this words are a , all inside the field nine temple private in the sky, all eye pupils are tiny to shrink, once old woman's facial expression of the store change, cold hum a way:"You know what?.
The old woman of the store, afraid was the meaning that misunderstands Ji vast sky, may feel the secret that the Ji vast sky understand them, she fiercely stares to manganese steel, stretch hand one cover, green receive of cover son, the moment covered manganese steel six
Is full is a ferocious mien on the face of old woman, harsh voice way:"Manganese steel, did you chew base of the tongue indiscriminately?Is it you that told to combine them?"Inside the cover son that the manganese steel is green to receive over there, the facial expression gradually delivers green, he be like drive an invisible big hand to buttonned up a Bo neck, breathed Chang not, imitating the Buddha will suffocate at any time but Wu.
Ji vast sky facial expression the Yin Be cold to come down right away, the manganese steel is his friend, looking at appearance, and this old woman wants to be his noodles to kill manganese steel.
The person of the surroundings so much sea Lan mainland, an is all wrinkly eyebrows, also some people seem to feel so not satisfactory, but no one dare openings to say more what, store at sea Lan the awe dint of the mainland, rear entirely.
Give Hun and long eyebrows these departure the person who believe in in the sky, see the old woman of store to start revolt, finally many on the face several cent, ill-wisher facial expression, seem etc. wear to see this old woman and Ji vast sky, they cross swords.
Is a sea Lan here mainland, is the site of store, here, sea Lan mainland of nine temple private in the sky all listen to the order of store, Ji vast sky they gave offense to store here, undoubtedly is with private in the sky of the whole sea Lan mainland an enemy.
Although their strength isn't weak,their strength wants to is with the sky private boundary of the whole sea Lan mainland the enemy's words.Or very not enough.
Give Hun and long eyebrows, prepare to see Ji vast sky they be bombed by the store to kill, so is all silent, the corner of mouth contains to sneer at.
The manganese steel facial expression is more and more green, the body covers in the Gang inside the Wu wear neck constantly flounder, the eye pupil sons all start delivering white.
This old woman's mouth inside is to inquire manganese steel, but obviously has never let the meaning that the manganese steel talks, otherwise, she can't use the Bo neck that his strength blocks manganese steel and can not send out a voice to come out the fierce steel.
A she is to affirm the manganese steel tells the Ji vast sky the secret, she is to don't want to let the manganese steel speak true facts!
Manganese steel two eye hair white, body violent flounder, but can not flounce the strength of the cover of that Gang, a painful arrive the facial expression of extreme achievement, helplessly kick a leg.
Bomb good luck Long!Bomb Long Long!
Put out a life time boxing set inside.Spread astounding bellow a voice, a whets the blue thunder in the sky of dish size and suddenly flies out from it and continue to constantly bombard to cover in that blue Gang on.
Being a chain of is violent of the explosion voice of pole, suddenly the cover uploaded from that blue Gang, in the middle of deafeningly bellowing a voice, that blue Gang cover top of the strength be concussed by the Di a to get empty.
Mao Mao!
The Gang covers ground fission, the manganese steel flies to divert from it all of a sudden, is stretched hand by the thou Bang a to grasp, took Ji vast sky a group of people this place.
"Fierce steel, visits appearance this sea Lan a mainland you are foolish don't descend to go to, H'm, leave with us, as long as you fix nine territories, I promise that you have the Jing of enough stars to come to self-discipline."The Ji vast sky lightly sighs a , a bit sorry ground of the manganese steel say.
"Cough manganese steel loudly a cough, violent of breath, temporarily could not speak words.
"Boy!You dare to rob a person from me!"The old woman of that store explodes with rage a harsh voice way:"Is a sea Lan here mainland, return the round don't arrive you to come to act boorishly!Only a five lines of mainlands with never listenned to, do you still think that you can really turn over a sky not to become?"
"They still really turned over a sky
Even now, a soft crisp voice.Spread from the distance, a go three beautiful lookses like floral women, tie Gao Gao's hair Ji, be dressed in the palatial and gorgeous dress tunic of lady's sort in the imperial palace, smiled the ground of Ying Ying to walk to come over.
They each one step step, the foot has lifelike fresh flowers to bloom and goes all the way, at their after death and for a long time, the path leaving fresh flowers all over the place comes out.
Is a women for head, the Feng vision is colourful to shine on a person, the Yong permits stylish qualities to rear entirely, as if the empress leave a temple, tour world mankind, at she after death of two womens, then be like the imperial concubine in the imperial palace, similar and charming poise and exquisite bearing, expensive spirit hundred percent.
Three womens, all nine of the superior of territory, it is that person to is a head, then in the territory of nine temple highest points in the sky.
"Orchid aroma, your aring late the old woman of store is wrinkly to knit the brows, temporarily presses the Na to live the wrath to the Ji vast sky a group of people.
"H'm, really is be late."That is called the lady of orchid aroma, smile Ying Ying ground Pie the Ji vast sky is one eye, purse one's lips way:"Speak of, I still because are they late."
The old woman of store is slightly surprised.Is cold to hum a way:"This several people are also worth letting you does this fly floral winter plum lateness?I have never seen they have what severe place, a thousand years not the star of ten sky privates of square's lives, destine is top not the small place of set noodles, even if fix to nine temple highest points in the sky, in the end, is also bite a file useless."
"I have never also seen they have what severe place orchid aroma a captivating smile, not not urgently slow way:"But, they but harmed the main shot of evil hole, corpse female small jade drive severely wounded, destroy wolf and Han two evil heads for sky then dead is in five lines of mainlands".
"What?"The old woman gets a shock.
Not only is her, as long as the person who hears orchid aroma this some kind of words is all that the full face is frightened, doesn't dare to believe ground to looking at Ji vast sky a group of people, suddenly, the periphery talks of person, all all shut up, a , the Zheng is big eyes, stare Ji vast sky they, oneself is only perhaps in a short while wrong to leak what.
The sky of the departure believe in of give Hui and long eyebrows a group of people, is also facial expression to greatly change, have an obvious frightened color in the eye, imitate a Buddha what affair outran them of anticipate generally.
"You, you where get news?This, this how may?"The old woman constantly shakes head, the deep place would not like to admit this fact from the heart.
"This you don't take care of, I just tell you, the news is absolutely wrong not."Finland pulled to pull skirt Cape and slowly arrived at the Ji vast sky a group of people body side, stood to the in front of Ji vast sky and smiled the way of Ying Ying:"BE?Ji vast sky."
Song shrug shoulders, the Ji vast sky declines to comment.
"Main evil hole pass by the space turbulent flow of three mainlands area, just return to a demon mainland, that small jade unexpectedly is placed in the status of half obfuscation till the time of demon mainland, Ji vast sky, you really make people be getting more surprising, your a person, then ruined an invading of demon mainland, is really a wave to push a front wave after Yangtze River, the young are to be considered with resp!"Finland clicks the tongue in curiosity, was full of interest to the Ji vast sky.
The whole aery island, several thousand sea Lan the strong sky of private of the mainland, suddenly the crow Qiao soldier's voice.
Inside the momentary, these superiors all only slightly showed the breather voice of mess, lookinging at of a gape Ji vast sky.A person ruined plan in the invading of demon mainland and harmed the lord of evil hole, severely wounded corpse female jade, also killed Han for sky and remnants wolf, this BE"ten sky privates of square?
But, he is clearly just a nine temple private in the sky!And just the beginning goes into nine of the territory isn't much long, this, is this exactly what happened?
The public brain delivers dizzy, how want to also think impassability.
The old woman's silly eye of store, feels lips dry" medium hate oneself's impulse for the very first time, unexpectedly excite of be hostile to each other with this kind of person, too flub!
How to do?Obviously gave offense to them?How to come to save all these?The old woman of the store rapidly deliberates and suddenly gets a brainwave.To body side one humality:"Luo of the Tuo calls ice Jie to come out, right away!"
That store of nine temple private in the sky, the idea meeting head in the location.Quickly leave, fiercely got into an aery island.
Giving Hun is cold face, ruthlessly stared long eyebrows one eye, soft-voiced way:"You do of good matter!"
The "you are to fly a floral flower to stretch tight" Ji vast sky suddenly relaxed down, the lazy ocean ocean ground asked:"Can you make decision for flying a flower?"
"Ha ha small brothers, the flower Yan is to fly floral host, in order to fly a flower to make decision, I how certainly?"The orchid aroma smiles the way of Ying Ying.
Ordered to nod, Ji vast sky way:"That like, I want a colleague who seek the cooperation, you fly to spend strength extraordinary, was regarded as a sufficient space, don't know that you have interest and we does the valley of Xuan Yuan cooperate?As long as you nod, I can promise that you fly a flower hereafter can't become sad for the Jing of stars again, and, later hundreds of years and several thousand years, all need not vexed worry this matter, do you have no interest again?"
"At the sun star area, have what influence can refuse this temptation, ?"Orchid aroma Leng in a short while, then smile sweetly, counter-question a way.
"The influence that don't need the Jing of stars can resist this temptation."The Ji vast sky says with smile.
"That is to have no!"The orchid aroma affirmation way, soon after one face positive color, way:"There is even if no this cooperation, we fly a flower to also fix to go you five lines of 1 in mainland, seek the affair that you negotiate a cooperation.H'm, we have a common enemy, evil hole with us fly before flower have been on bed terms, usually the soul cross swords on the sun, everyone has the astral method that shuttle a star area life at present, while the evil hole leave us again the strange orchid mainland is so near, think to evil hole sooner or later will morning we, so"
"I also got a news, it is said that that Lu, evil hole and dead alliance in sky these three general situation dint has already been secretly getting in touch with, these three greatest the suns star areas are insolently ambitious of go to strong strength, is very likely to unite to put together the star to the another life to begin."That has been hasing no the big bare-headed of the gold net mountain of speech and finally walked out at this time, the path goes straight to Ji vast sky, sincere way:"We gold net mountain, also think to form alliance with your valley of Xuan Yuan."
"This is the mutual benefit affair Ji the vast sky is alarmed on smiling, way:"The gold net mountain forms alliance with us, I can also promise, the gold net mountain can get our long-last comities."
"Cough" the old woman of the store, violent of coughed 2, seemed to want to remind orchid aroma and big bare-headed, here still sea Lan the mainland is what store invites them to come here.
"This calls Di gram, come from a dark star clan, he has the strength that can become a dead star to live a star.But he is the most solid alliance in our valley of Xuan Yuan to gather!"The Ji vast sky sees don't see the old woman of that store as well, the path keeps pointing at the Di gram to orchid aroma with big baldheaded introduction.
"We the dark star clan is all friend of Ji vast sky!Become a dead star the method of living the star, is our dark star clan most for excel of skill".Di gram positive color way.
Orchid aroma with big baldheaded, two eyes put light, root ignore a cough of the old woman of the store.Stare at a Di gram with great interest inquiry the whole detail problems.
On the sea Lan mainland, some don't belong to store of nine temple private in the sky, at this time listen to force a gram so on saying, facial expression is an all excited facial expression, sees to force the person's eyeses, such as gram and Ji vast sky...etc. in.Full is the Yi Yi is glorious, it is extreme to move obviously.
If isn't a store presumably the strength of the mainland is at the sea Lan, perhaps, these people will right away hurtle to the Ji vast sky before the body, consult the detailed circumstance of this aspect with Ji vast sky.
The momentary is the host's store, on the contrary unmanned ask about"the condition was a bit difficult to see.
"That Ji vast sky is sorry ground of interrupted orchid aroma and big bare-headed of the heat slice to ask words and say with smile:"Is not the place of conversation here, if everyone doesn't mind, we can talk in five lines of mainlands, how?"
", All right big bare-headed on clapping a head, excuse me ground that:"Is ashamed, we want to talk an important affair today and come another day to congratulate your granddaughter
"H'm, I am also, this affair too importance, next time I come of time, I will make up deficiencies a gift, today" even if the orchid aroma also have some to helplessly know to that old woman of the store meeting a , then then and urgently can not need ground to press Ji vast sky:"Leave, we go to five lines of mainlands like affair of discussing the cooperation well
The old woman of the store's two eyes a black, almost will be annoyed of throw up blood.(The not yet finished treats continuously)
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