
cheap beats by dre it Fei@the Teng lite

 Chapter 19 sea breeze has letter
After rebirth, more accurately say, is after from Dan state go to Kyoto.Fan sits around in idleness blackly wagon and is blackly dressed in lotus dress, the Chuai wears blackly thin long bayonet, run about at dark of.All over.From inside and the outside is deeply integral whole ground black.
Today on the water.In this spacious green jade bluely and at the sea, but that ship is purely, the mast is towering, white Fan like huge bird Jie wing, want facing the horizon ground that white cloud wear into.
The that statures Dan first lieutenant once tie~ued oneself in the pole head and towarded full world's surprised rain scolded morals of the world ground with surprised world wave pain unjust.But climb on the tallest mast top ground Fan Jian but have no this felling at this time, at Chen Ping Ping with the sweet good friend be after carrying on some kind of contrasts dressed in a weak white Shan ground tiny Mi eye to him, face in the morning sea, the whole personal center of earth thinks mood as if the body encounter of the view generally pure happiness get up.
Scold a sky ha ground, blame everyone but oneself, fight with world, that Pie a capital letter person word son, this isn't selfish to fear to hopeless situation Fan Jian Suo hope ground life.He just devouringly enjoys to emphasize ground each a moment after livinging, the glory honor and riches is an important position, beauty's beauty is an important position, and the surprised world power is an important position.And occasionally live alone ground spirit's enjoying is also an important position.
After leaving Dan state.Although many pleasure matter can have fun.But whole day in be occupied in intriguing against each other, be occupied in killing people and take precautions against be killed, this kind of completely easy, the heart has no side the thing ground is light and free.But is for a long time have never enjoyed.
Is beyond all doubt, Fan Jian is to celebrate a country this is in the world the first small cloth Er Joe is second, he the ground is that mother, obviously protect Er, that parties.So he isn't willing to pass to go out to sea to blow so small property Song Song ground of breeze an opportunity and be like Chu to stay joss-stick similar drink a wine, eat beef, be like to allow a childe similar be this ship landlord person.Just regrettable ……have no too many beauty's sons that wear Bikini ground on board.
The ship son rides the waves, in the green jade bluely sea surface up leave a together whitely thin scar.Once wiped to seem to be near in the very short distancely red day, mast on, that young hand dances the it, foot Dao it, praise it, really ……be like a monkey very much.
The sea breeze is in fact some in the morning cool, Fan Jian loudly after shouting several voices, be then worn by the breeze the Shan Cape is a bit damp and cold.All over uncomfortable.Although with his dint inside the ground fix for already cold hot don't invade, this kind of is wet the ground felling is always uncomfortable.He this just knows and originally dress up as cool always need to pay a some prices, some Xings Xing however ground prepare descend arrive deck up.
He still cannot helped but to devouringly saw an eye imitating a Buddha to always know no bounds a ground of sea surface again.The in the mind is full of a certain not and well-knownly hope earnestly.This kind of desire from the year ago then starts presenting in his center of earth, but always have no can accurately hold actually is what, once discussed with begonia, but also have no way dug out in center of earth from oneself.
Ship outside spaciously sea surface, with him that can never absolutely relax down center of earth and formed 1 kind to be of contrary opinion a ground of felling very much.He is wrinkly to knit the brows, Pei one mouthful spittle, that spittle draws curve and far and far falls into sea and makes the sea many a silk foam, many the silk pollute.
Under on ground of deck navy government troops with inspect a hospital public face upward to looking at this act.These several days, they have already become accustomed to imperial envoy adult to occasionally show unintentionally a ground of crazy action.Although the generation immortal poet, generation powerful ministers sudden became a monkey, still stands on the mast top to look beyond a ground monkey in afar, will let the many people doesn't adapt to.But people turn to read a to think, but any brilliant scholar.Is always some differently strange tinea, also then release however.
Fan Jian spits a ground of action and fall at many people ground of deck eyes inside, a sailor cannot helps but praising highly a way:"Spitting to all vomit ground is so handsome."
"Oh oh …… Ao Ao ……" mast top spreads strange interjection, "I am Mount Taishan!I am Mount Taishan!"
Is public on the deck in every aspect and mutually 覻 , that flatters the courage of a ground of sailor in times before indeed as expected aer little bigger than ordinary people, strengthen a courage to ask to nearby inspect officials in the hospital:"Adult, what mountain is Mount Taishan ?"
He ask a ground of person, is exactly Fan carefreely the confidant Hong is evergreen, the Hong is evergreen to coldly see his one eye.Turned a face pass by.
A burst of breeze rises.The Pa ground is a to lightly ring.A pair of barefooteds like this and steadily trample at deck up.One is dressed in white list dress ground the young man is loose to open ground in hand rope, beat a yawn, flank from had a sailor to rush in to re- tied up a rope in the past.
Fan Jian jumped down from the mast top.
Looking at this act.Although saw a lot of times, but many people of deck still unavoidably silly eye, this mast must have much high?Little adult Fan how can so lightly loosen ground to jump down?
The Hong is carefreely evergreen to looking at Fan be full of adoration in look in the eyes.The owners all know that little adult Fan is rarely a world a superior, but they really can not imagine really a superior.Is a ground is severe so.
Someone lifted a deck chair to come over, Fan Jian was like whole body bone soft similar lay up, two feet raised at the gunwale on.Let the sea breeze wash feet for oneself, feel the sea breeze once wore from the toe and was like lover at thin softly caress, he satisfied ground to sigh 1.
Left hand's taking a database inside the cup to produce a ground of wine is slowly drinking.The right hand lightly gathers nut ground ground skin, go toward to send in lips.Fan Jian again flows out to appear homology ground regret is on the mast, if Wan son and think at nearby good.
"Adult."Hong evergreen station at his ground nearby, desire speech again, finally still didn't endure, the lowly voice son in a soft voice asks a way:"What mountain is Mount Taishan ?"
Here in the world, have a lot of famously mountain peak, but Mount Taishan always no one once listenned to, Hong evergreen light tone way:"BE be not tonight ground secretly order?"
Fan Jian Leng Leng.Cannot helped but smiling to get up, scolded a way:"Which have what Mount Taishan?East mountain's pouring is to have."
Sudden, the sailor loudly shouted on board.Take one silk excitement in words:"The east mountain arrived!"
Fan Jian Yi Zheng soon after starts and excitedly inspect the officials in the hospital to walk together with those to ship ground side in the port, wait for east mountainous country appearing.In this split second, Fan Jian had no cause ground to think of.Front one a life time hasn't got sick by himself/herself for a ground of time and once took ship through Yangtse gorges, will after fairy Feng ground time, those travellers are like this also concussions.
Just that fairy Feng is concealed the sexual intercourse is at the sorcery mountainous country in, sees the 寢 Wo is moving, but can't see fairy body, regrettable Zai.
Very the sky is clear today, the air Xian dust doesn't hang, the east mountain has no concealed go to he ground facial appearance.
The argosy wented number toward north inside.Once rounded one reef to spread densely a ground of sea beach.The pain thousand times goes toward once the left side turn, the various person on board immediately feels at present a bright, welcome to visit Fei@the Teng literature have already seen few days, ground usually beautiful scenery sudden disappearance, but a just like abrupt however horizontal Gen in the whole world Tashan, flood owner ground eye socket like this.
Is big east mountain!
This is a stone mountain.Seem to be usually, it is unexpectedly such to be just this stone mountain of big.Gao doesn't know how much Zhang, and face sea one side, is unexpectedly smooth out and away one stone wall, a silk fine line also has no on the stone wall, like jade similar and smooth, be like had celestial spirits to ever slice open this mountain with an absolute being sword from it generally!
Fan Jian looking at this acts and poured to absorb one mouthful cool spirit and judged by his ground eyesight, this mountain is 2,000 meters high at least.Does this how face a sea stone precipice to unexpectedly have no a cross section?Although he is a pig in the geology,also know this kind of wonderful view too difficult see.
Big east mountain not big, just persistently high and abrupt, be like a stone pillar, one is out and away huge stone pillar.
Particularly facing this side in Haiti is originally smooth, the sea breeze doesn't know how many ten thousand yearses the ground erosion has never also let it appears any loose move, there is no animal dynamically trace, connect those Jie Aos don't tame a ground of huge birds, there is all no way at top Anne's nest.
Fan Jian squints Jing.Wishing this place is indeed as expected astounding.Than north the together western mountain stone wall is more beautiful ……more unique.
But at big east mountain carry that side in Haiti on mountain's back, but seem to adhere to many richly soil.The Yu Yu spring onion spring onion ground the forest is in plant in that top of hill, prosper, construct one beautifully green one, blue Sen however ground shape.
A side is green, a side is white, this is big east the mountainous country both sides be extremely however differently used this kind of the color embellish world, and formed 1 kind to feel very harmoniously, is like a cake of from green turn thinly jadeite, the beauty goes to a pole.
Fan Jian is unbearable again absorbed an one mouthful cool spirit, he certainly knows big east mountain.Here in the world, be called east the mountainous country contain two places, on being placed in to celebrate the country suburb in the west of Kyoto, that is just a hill, just because celebrate the temple has a fiesta temple over there, and some civil fairies also enjoy oblation over there, so some reputation.
But another would be in the strand of this East China Sea, at whole all enjoy great reputation ground big east mountain.
Is big east mountain of so is famous, would be first because this exquisitely constructs and perfectly beautiful scenery, also have is this Shan-li to produce in this world most perfectly jade.Fan Jian still remembers one year ago north together queen mother big life of, then someone once paid tribute big east mountainous country Jing jade, just celebrate a country in those early years the Northern Expedition beat this place came down behind.Then built another temple of celebrating in the big east top of hill, strictly forbade to mine jade, so east the jade of the mountain, at present at on the market only have stock, price's pouring was more and more expensive.
But greatly east mountain famously the third reason, would being to celebrate country emperor the ground is this aim idea, big at present east top of hill ground celebrating the temple joss stick already prosperous lead Kyoto of the ground celebrate temple, on the other hand is Kyoto to celebrate temple after all some severe flavors, the common common people not and greatly dare to go, but greatly east the mountainous country celebrate temple to then have no this problem, two aspects be legend big east mountainous country's celebrating temple be really exquisite, many have no money see cure a ground of common people, climb mountain to pray it
Empress, then will get temple of the gods ground to protect, the body dyes heavy E and then wills be incurable but more.
Two eastern mountains, certainly being ground in the seashore this is larger, more famous, more miraculous, so the people of this world all knows at present this mountain for the big east mountain, but call left near that mountain of Kyoto as small east mountain.
Fan Jian's previous incarnation though materialist, but the present life is firmly and only heart doctrine, looking at this greatly east mountainous country stone wall, unbearable the Mi has eyes and again flow out now rise like first time into celebrate temple ground emotional stirrings, this world really have the as in the amount of land productivity is looking at himself/herself?
Is a temple of the gods?
Shake in his subconscious.
Can see big unclearly east mountain another noodles those wear line the ground is in the forest the mountain way is small and softly like some line, that thickly green clothes, prison Yi in the prison at big east mountain this is naked such as red jade ground body up.
Fan carefreely the sight is the best, so can also see in the Dian of east mountain.There is blackly temple, just cold is towarding next sea surface in the precipice,cheap beats by dre, and right aheadly dynasty sun.
Smiled to smile in his subconscious, wish oneself can't want again in the days to come to climb a wall on this stone wall from the practice?This difficulty is also too Gao some.
Is big east mountain have no how long then be jilted at ship ground the rear be also jilted at on board people ground head rear.In addition to praising highly severals, no one says more again what, returned to respectively work post on.
The Hong is evergreen but is notice imperial envoy adult the ratio seem and seemed to be silent in times before some, just sit on the deck chair to daze.
Is a vivaciously monkey sudden's changing to return that will carry on a thinking ground monkey, affirmation is to take place what.
But the Hong is evergreen don't dare to ask as well, just the honesty stands at Fan carefreely and after death.Pass wine water and fruits snack at any time.When arrive Dan state?"Suddenly the Fan Jian openings asks a way.
Hong evergreen Leng Leng, asked to ask the navy the officer of the school, came back in response to the way:"Afternoon."
Fan Jian's point nods.Suddenly sighed tone.
The Hong is evergreen to want to think, hesitated openings to ask a way:"Adult because of what sigh?"
This was next to Fan Jian Leng.He is silent along while to have no message of reply.Because he discovered an a bit funny, again how not funnily fact, heel at oneself center of earth stomach ……in spite of is a beginning ground Wang Qi Nian is most more subsequently still Deng Zi, Su's text is luxuriant.At and oneself after being long, seeming to be will go toward to hold place to develop.Although isn't owners to all have an old king so ground natural endowments.
For example this"adult because of what sigh?"
Whether be like that very much"lord male because of laugh?"
Fan Jian's wry smile writes.This just wants to understand this affair inside ground source, the reason these confidents gather together an interest, not is that side ground, just because oneself is lord male, they have intention to all by accident will clap they, Ma Pi, , coax oneself happy, dissipate sorrow for oneself.
Think around, seem is also small speech classmate qualities to differ with ordinary people.
Fan Jian smiled.Follow Hong evergreenly words to say:"Is near country feeling Qie, a common feeling."
He lived in the Dan state for 16 years and left for more than two years and suddenly wanted to go home and always needed to have some difficult to expressly emotion, doing not know grandmother's health condition was good, your home those Ya wreaths got married to have no, on ground of precipice little Huang Hua be still so does the Se Se tinily open?Oneself after leaving, will also having a person stand on the roof to yell to rain to accept clothes?Oneself since childhood dream ground Wan Mao enemy, had a creation?……Winter son.Winter son, you ground the bean curd sell ground how?
The Hong is evergreen ha ha smiled to smile.But don't know to lift to take charge of adult Qie ground is what.Wishing you are already a heavy imperial government minister, return to village by imperial envoy adult ground identity, exactly to only believe in to show off Zu, brocade dress the day go, should be pleasure and matchless and how still like this worry?
Fan Jian saw his one eye and asked a way:"You ground is the home town in the spring state?"
"Yes, the soil livings soil long ground."
"H'm, when the opportunity to seek returns to and sees."
Two personal identities are different, the nature also has no too many words to chat.Fan Jian is silent to in a short while say behind:"Take recent this several reports in the world hospitals right away after going ashore."
The Hong is evergreen on listenning to mention public affairs, the complexion is one Su, sinks a voice in response to the way:"BE."
Then in this split second, Fan Jian has already ended a free and unfettered sea of several worlds to visit in advance.Replying oneself should impersonation ground role, but that monkey the ground re- hid by himself/herself.
He ground the thin lips Be tiny to close lightly.The handsome ground permits to up have no surplus earth's surface feeling.
"Issue on order to Chiang-Nan, so the means continue, but don't is excesssive, the whole wait my year behind from Kyoto come back again say."
"Your heel at I nearby, the gum state comes over ground, those seven people to make them go to Chiang-Nan.Help Deng Zi more."
Is bright in the gum state incident mutually eight officials inspect a hospital be all taken by Fan Jian, because handle gum state the incident is used a ground of skill more coarse, don't eliminate for a day in soldier.Fan Jian by himself/herself would not like to ground the under charge undertake this kind of risk.That person of old Qin Jia has already taken up gum state navy and settle a dispute to change ground to participation how more than 1,000 government troopses handle, how eliminate under the sistuation that don't arouse great disturbance ground, is old Qin Jia to need to consider a ground of affair, Fan Jian need not again tube.
He just worries he ground pupil Hou quarter often, concerning the gum state navy smuggle ground affair, quarter often many dint.The problem is Fan Jian have to also put him in the gum state so far.The imperial government ground Jia prize makes after the year a to, the quarter often settles however wants to promote ground, and the gum state has Wu Ge not at, that intelligent person should know how to handle.
As for that ……allow luxuriant just ……Fan Jian Wei smile, make him continue to cover up, perhaps which Be getting more useful.
Discover to lift to take charge of adult is lost in thought afresh in, the Hong is evergreen don't dare to bother, in quiet wait for in the part.Suddenly the Fan Jian openings asks a way:"Did you wear to chase clear Jiao in the house very urgently?"
The Hong is evergreen after lived down on the islet, then have been sinking into to is similar to scene ground over there a nightmare in, suddenly listen to lift to take charge of adult to reveal oneself to conceal the deepest center of earth matter at this time, once the complexion fear to and kept on kneeling:"Descend an officer not to dare to bother an adult plan."
Fan Jian Wei says with a smile:"Clear house ……leap Da not several day."
While descending Chiang-Nan to consume consume dint such of big.Although look like clear house still postpone lingering breath of life in the 芶 .But Fan Jian knows and spends so the earth price.Oneself early has already given the clear house set be like on a rope clearly green reach set at his mother's neck last that.
Clearly old too the gentleman died, that rope is just demand afterwards tightly a tight.The clear house is when also dead, just see Fan Jian free go to tight a tight.Clearly green city.Four Yes canvass business, inside database ……Fan Jian is satisfied with he or she very much ground achievement.
Cent in afternoon, the argosy once rounds an one silver sandy beach ground gulf, then can far and far see a how not busily harbor, the harbor has sea gull to dance in the wind in the top and bottom on all sides, the distance setting sun shines in glory the next sea surface tiny rise and fall, like gold wave general, the gold wave is next but concealed the jade flow, should be fishes.
The Hong is evergreen to looking at those sea gulls, unbearable reluctantly wrinkly knit the brows.
Fan Jian's station is started and looking at harbor to prepare to greet oneself ground officials, looking at those to advance have already arrived Dan state, prepare to greet one to be black to ride, cannot help but smiling.
The state arrive, sea the life ended, in this a moment, Fan Jian has to dually think of, dually feel deeply about.
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